Product details of Duzela 30mg
Features of Duzela 30mg
If you have a long and heavy depression, you can’t sleep well at night, or you can’t enjoy what you’ve always liked, or if you continue to have different physical or physical changes for a long period of time, you may be depressed or depressed. There is sex. Caused by stress and neurotransmitter imbalance, serotonin and noradrenaline are involved.
It inhibits the uptake of serotonin and noradrenaline to relieve anxiety and motivate and improve.
Effect of Duzela 30mg
Duzela 30mg is a serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) that increases the decreased levels of serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain to relieve anxiety and improve motivation and energy.
In addition, the increase in serotonin and noradrenaline activates the descending pain-suppressing nerves, making pain less noticeable.
Indications for Duzela 30mg
Duzela 30mg is a serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) that improves the following symptoms:
- People who are suffering from depression / depressed state
- People who are suffering from mood disorders or anxiety disorders
- People who are suffering from pain associated with the following diseases Diabetic neuropathy Fibromyalgia Chronic lumbar pain Degenerative arthritis Depression
Active ingredient of Duzela 30mg
The active ingredient in Duloxetine is duloxetine.
It works as an SNRI and is effective in alleviating the pain associated with depression / depressive state, anxiety disorders and diabetic neuropathy, and the pain associated with fibromyalgia.
Duzela 30mg content / content
There are 4 types, 50 tablets / 100 tablets per box.
Duloxetine 30mg 100 tablets / 30mg 50 tablets / 40mg 50 tablets / 60mg 50 tablets per Duzela 30mg, depending on the volume.
Pharmaceutical company
- Sun Pharma
Sun Pharma is a pharmaceutical company that focuses on generic drugs in India. We are the 5th largest generic drug company in the world, and we are developing high quality and highly safe drugs all over the world. Viagra generic “Caberta” is a popular product both in Japan and overseas.
Dosage of Duzela 30mg
How to take Duzela 30mg
Take 40-60mg once daily with water or lukewarm water after breakfast.
The dose may be adjusted according to your symptoms.
Recommended dose of Duzela 30mg
For depression / depressive state and pain associated with diabetic neuropathy The usual adult dosage is 40 mg of duloxetine after breakfast once daily.
Start with 20 mg daily and increase the daily dose by 20 mg at intervals of 1 week or longer. If the effect is insufficient, the dose can be increased up to 60 mg daily.
For pain associated with fibromyalgia, pain associated with chronic low back pain, and pain associated with osteoarthritis The usual adult dosage is 60 mg of duloxetine after breakfast once daily.
Start with 20 mg daily and increase the daily dose by 20 mg at intervals of 1 week or longer.
Precautions when taking Duzela 30mg
If you miss a dose If you miss a dose, take one dose when you notice it.
If the next dose is imminent, you can start taking the next dose.
Do not take more than 2 doses at a time. Drowsiness, attention, concentration, reflex motor ability, etc. may decrease. Please be careful not to engage in dangerous machine operations such as driving a car.
Side effects of Duzela 30mg
The main side effects of Duzela 30mg
The main side effects are fatigue, somnolence, headache, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, dry mouth, constipation and diarrhea.
Infrequent side effects include rash, pruritus, and urticaria.
If you experience any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor or pharmacist after discontinuing use.
Rare side effects of Duzela 30mg
Serotonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, convulsions, illusion, hepatic dysfunction, mucocutaneous ocular syndrome, anaphylactic reaction, and hypertensive crisis have been reported.
Liver dysfunction, hepatitis, and jaundice accompanied by elevations of AST (GOT), ALT (GPT), γ-GTP, LDH, and Al-P may occur.
In this case, please consult your doctor immediately or an internal medicine / specialized outpatient department for diagnosis.
Precautions when using Duzela 30mg
People who are careful about taking Duzela 30mg
If you have any of the following symptoms, be careful when taking this medicine and consult your doctor.
- Patients with urinary difficulties such as prostatic hypertrophy
- Patients with hypertension or heart disease
- Patients with glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure
- Patients with mild to moderate liver damage
- Excessive alcohol Ingestors
- Patients with mild to moderate renal impairment
- Patients with a history of suicide thoughts or attempts to suicide, Patients with suicide thoughts
- Patientswith manic depression
- Organic brain disorders or Patients with a predisposition to schizophrenia
- Patients with comorbidities with high impulsiveness
- Patients with convulsive disorders such as epilepsy or a history of these
- History of hemorrhagic disorders or hemorrhagic predisposition Patients with illness , elderly people (65 years old or older) , pregnant or potentially pregnant , breastfeeding If there are other medications taken, take them together to improve the effect of the medication. It may be strengthened or weakened.
Precautions for using Duzela 30mg
Concomitant precautions are medicines that require caution when taken in combination with Duzela 30mg.
- Cardiovascular side effects such as pimozide QT prolongation and ventricular arrhythmia may occur.
- Drugs with serotonin action, tramadol hydrochloride, linezolide, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, etc. There is a risk of symptoms due to serotonin action such as serotonin syndrome.
- Blood levels of these drugs such as tricyclic antidepressants, imipramine hydrochloride, and risperidone
may increase. - The actions of drugs such as central nervous system depressants, barbituric acid derivatives, and lorazepam
may mutually enhance each other. If you have developed allergic symptoms such as itching or rash due to the use of medicines in the past, please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
People who should not take Duzela 30mg
The following people cannot use this medicine:
- Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to Duzela 30mg components
- Patients who are receiving MAO inhibitors (selegiline hydrochloride, rasagiline mesylate) or within 2 weeks after discontinuation
- Patients with severe glaucoma Patients
- Patients with severe renal impairment
- Patients with uncontrolled angle-closure glaucoma People who fall under the above may have strong side effects when used.
Contraindicated drug for Duzela 30mg
There are some medicines that should not be used in combination with this medicine.
- Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor (selegiline hydrochloride (FP), rasagiline mesylate (azilect)) If you are using other medicines or if you are using new medicines, be sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist. please give me.
Storage method and handling precautions
How to store Duzela 30mg
- Store at room temperature away from direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity.
It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator and should be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity. - Keep out of reach of children. Avoid the possibility of accidentally taking it.
Precautions for handling Duzela 30mg
- Do not take medicines that have passed the expiration date. It may not be effective or may affect the body.
- Please refrain from storing with other medicines and supplements. Due to the action of the ingredients, the properties and shape may change.
Duzela 30mg product information
Product classification
Prescription drugs: Generic drugs
Generic drugs are developed by other pharmaceutical companies using the same active ingredients after the patent period of the new drug has expired, and are strict on the premise that their efficacy and safety are equivalent to those of the new drug. A drug that has passed the test and has been approved by the government.
Shape / dosage form
- Oral capsules
Target gender
- Adult men and women for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders
Other Mental Health products
Shipping / Packing
Country of shipment
- India
The sender’s name is not the name of the “lifetimePills”.
Only the name of the shipping country is listed, or the name of the shipping country vendor.
Please note that in most cases, the name of the shipping country will be stated when posting the absentee slip.
Since the product name and drug name of the order will not be printed on the outer box, the contents can be received without the delivery staff or family members knowing the contents.
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