About cancellation

We make every effort to fulfill every order. However, please note that some orders may not be processed or may need to be canceled. Reasons for this include limits on the quantity available for purchase, out of stock, or issues identified by the credit and fraud prevention departments.

If all or part of your order is canceled, our customer care team will contact you. If your order is canceled after being charged to your credit card and Paypal, the amount will be returned to your card account and Paypal.

Unreceived payments

Unpaid orders will be treated as canceled.

Cancellation by customer

If you wish to cancel your order, please contact Customer Service . Upon receipt of the cancellation notice, we will cancel your order and give you a full refund if your order has not been processed. Orders that have already been processed or shipped cannot be canceled. In some cases, this can happen within 12 hours of ordering.


If the payment was by Paypal and credit card, we will refund to Paypal and credit card. If the payment mode is Check / Money Order, the check / money order will be returned if it has not been deposited. Checks / money orders will only be sent to your billing address.

Refunds are typically processed within 10 business days. For payment by check or money order. It may take longer for the check to be delivered to your billing address and for the check to be credited to your account.

Please note that we are not responsible for any delays in credit to the cardholder’s credit card account as it is controlled by the cardholder’s issuing bank.

If you have any questions, please contact us using inquiry form.

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